Colorado Testing, Hemp Labeling Rules May Signal Changes
By Kristen Nichols
Health authorities in Colorado are looking for a lot more than just low THC in hemp these days, and a slate of new requirements for hemp products taking effect Thursday could signal a wave of regulations around the country.
The move comes as states step in to regulate over-the-counter products still ignored by federal authorities.
Colorado allows CBD and other hemp extracts to go in foods and drinks. But the state health department now requires those extracts to be tested for a long list of pesticides and contaminants, including heavy metals and mycotoxins.
The changes include a new requirement that hemp products carry labels listing total cannabinoid content in the package, including THC content, in milligrams.
Currently hemp product labels don’t have to to mention THC as long as the finished item is less than 0.3% THC.
By Oct. 1, Colorado will require hemp products to be tested for 106 pesticides, compared to 13 pesticides for regulated marijuana.
In addition, Colorado now requires products containing hemp extracts to be tested by a state-approved lab. The catch? Colorado has just one lab authorized to do it: Botanacor Laboratories in Denver.
Colorado may well be the tip of the iceberg. States from California to New York are mulling new testing and labeling requirements on hemp products.
The trend belies an interest in preparing for increased federal oversight. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly said that over-the-counter CBD is illegal.
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