
Hemp returned to Wolverine State farmland in 2019

Hemp Farmers

1,056 (2020)

Hemp Acreage

13,478 (2020)

Michigan Hemp Resources

Michigan Hemp Program

As of April 13, 2022, the Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) regulates hemp processing and Michigan Hemp Processor-Handler Licenses

Please contact the following agencies accordingly:


  • Hemp processing of food with Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) hemp ingredients of hulled hemp seed, hemp protein powder, or hemp seed oil (not CBD oil): MDARD Food & Dairy Division at Michigan.gov/MDARD or 800-292-3939. Email: MDA-FoodDairyInfo@Michigan.gov

Michigan Helpful Links

Hemp-derived cannabinoids legal status*

Is CBD legal? CBD Details Is Delta 8 Legal? Is Hemp-derived Delta 9 Legal?
*While we make every effort to keep this data up-to-date and accurate, the HIA can make no guarantees to that effect. Thus, any purchasing decisions should be made with that fact in mind, and any business decisions should only be made in consultation with qualified legal counsel.

The Midwest Hemp Council is the HIA’s Affiliated Partner in the Midwest region.

MWC members in good standing save 25% (up to $1,250!) on HIA membership.