To educate the market and advance the hemp economy, for the benefit of our members, the public, and the planet.
A Trade Association with a ConscienceÂ
HIA members support ethical business practices, including accuracy in labeling, use of environmentally friendly methods, sustainable and organic agriculture, scientific accuracy, prioritizing consumer safety, increasing opportunities for underserved communities, and concern for universal human rights. HIA members agree to abide by the Member Code of Ethics.
Doing Good with Hemp
The HIA wants you to do good with hemp. That could mean bringing in a healthy profit for your business, utilizing the hemp plant to regenerate the soil on your farm, cultivating craft flower for medicinal purposes, educating folks on the incredible nutritional profile of hemp foods, or reducing your carbon footprint —it may mean all of the above and more! The point is that there are an incredible number of ways to do good with hemp, and the HIA can help with all of them.
Greater than the Sum of its Parts
You’re in good company with the HIA, which was founded in 1994, and which has been led over the years by some of the leading lights of the hemp activist community. As a voting farm or business member, you can be confident that your voice will be heard, and if you want to take a more active role in shaping the future of this industry, members are eligible to stand for election to the Board of Directors after two consecutive years.
The HIA educates the market and advocates for policy and regulations that treat hemp fairly, and—when necessary—takes the fight to the courtroom in order to secure justice for hemp.